Mayor Deprives Rival of Black Clergy’s Support
Mayor Deprives Rival of Black Clergy's Support is the title of an article that can be found hhere.
My first issue with this story is the title. Why was stating Bloomberg has the support of the Black clergy while his Black opponent does not necessary? I'll tell you why because the authors wanted continue to stir the race pot, as if we don't have enough of it today. Author's Confesore and Barbaro felt it was necessary to say hey a Black candidate doesn't have the support of the Black clergy which is his by "birthright" something must be going (I'll get to that in a minute). More than anything I think the title reveals something of the author's themselves. To me that reveal says
1. That most if not all White people BELIEVE Black people will stick together because they are Black and nothing more. Let me explain something being Black is the only true unifier in the Black community it’s what we have in common. Anyone who is not black and has spent any significant amount of time around Black people will know we are far from a united front. Nor do the majority of us blindly believe that another Black person has OUR best interest at heart. Nothing could be further from the truth there are numerous reasons as to why Black people are distrustful of other Black people I just don't have the time to venture into with this post.
2. Black people will blindly follow the pastor's direction.
A few weeks ago, the Rev. Calvin O. Butts III, the influential pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, came to a difficult decision, one he had wrestled with all summer.
He would not endorse William C. Thompson Jr., the city comptroller and a longtime friend and ally, for mayor, as he had promised Mr. Thompson last spring. Instead, he would endorse Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.
Mr. Thompson was furious at the betrayal. But what he did not know was that Mr. Bloomberg gave a $1 million donation to the church’s development corporation — roughly 10 percent of its annual budget — with the implicit promise of more to come.
Damn! Does this not just prove what many people already believe to be true of clergy members at large? Corrupt bigots easily bought. If I was Mr. Thompson and a long time friend of mine who had previously pledged his support suddenly changes his mind when a milli ends up in his church coffers I would feel betrayed as well.
A message to the church attendees: RUN!
How is what Bloomberg is doing not the same as this.