Black Kids told to Pick Cotton
- Posted by Kristin
- Monday, November 9, 2009
H/T to Siditty
Black students singled out to pick cotton by black historian.
UPDATE!!!! Ooops. I thought the Thug element was reserved for Black football players only.
- Posted by Kristin
Player Lambert was suspended indefinitely as she should be, that kind of behavior has no place in sports.
No mention of thuggery blasted across sportnews anywhere in regards to this soccer player's behavior. I have no doubt that if this was a player of color they would have been suspended indefinitely.
Mayor Deprives Rival of Black Clergy’s Support
- Posted by Kristin
- Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mayor Deprives Rival of Black Clergy's Support is the title of an article that can be found hhere.
My first issue with this story is the title. Why was stating Bloomberg has the support of the Black clergy while his Black opponent does not necessary? I'll tell you why because the authors wanted continue to stir the race pot, as if we don't have enough of it today. Author's Confesore and Barbaro felt it was necessary to say hey a Black candidate doesn't have the support of the Black clergy which is his by "birthright" something must be going (I'll get to that in a minute). More than anything I think the title reveals something of the author's themselves. To me that reveal says
1. That most if not all White people BELIEVE Black people will stick together because they are Black and nothing more. Let me explain something being Black is the only true unifier in the Black community it’s what we have in common. Anyone who is not black and has spent any significant amount of time around Black people will know we are far from a united front. Nor do the majority of us blindly believe that another Black person has OUR best interest at heart. Nothing could be further from the truth there are numerous reasons as to why Black people are distrustful of other Black people I just don't have the time to venture into with this post.
2. Black people will blindly follow the pastor's direction.
A few weeks ago, the Rev. Calvin O. Butts III, the influential pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, came to a difficult decision, one he had wrestled with all summer.
He would not endorse William C. Thompson Jr., the city comptroller and a longtime friend and ally, for mayor, as he had promised Mr. Thompson last spring. Instead, he would endorse Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.
Mr. Thompson was furious at the betrayal. But what he did not know was that Mr. Bloomberg gave a $1 million donation to the church’s development corporation — roughly 10 percent of its annual budget — with the implicit promise of more to come.
Damn! Does this not just prove what many people already believe to be true of clergy members at large? Corrupt bigots easily bought. If I was Mr. Thompson and a long time friend of mine who had previously pledged his support suddenly changes his mind when a milli ends up in his church coffers I would feel betrayed as well.
A message to the church attendees: RUN!
How is what Bloomberg is doing not the same as this.
Feminism isn't for everyone
- Posted by Kristin
- Saturday, October 24, 2009
“I’m not saying women shouldn’t work. If you enjoy your job and it’s a fulfilling career, that is a positive choice. But if it’s not . . . it's almost in some ways that we got it all, then found that actually it wasn’t quite what we wanted.”So true family matters most.
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Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong war!
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Nas responsed to the beating of Derrion Albert.
Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong wars! Killing each other is definitely played out. Being hurt from the lost of a love one was never cool.--Nas
Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong war! I know that feeling, that frustration with life and needing to take it out on someone, any one. But....
We chose the dumbest things to go the hardest for. I remember seeing deaths over 8 ball jackets, Fila sneakers, and name plate chains. Deaths over "he say, she say"!!!!! "I'm from this block or I'm from that block", or "my moms n pops is f*cked up now the whole world gotta pay"!!!
I remember feeling like I was the hardest "n*gga" breathing. And I couldn't wait to prove it. But let's think. What are we really proving?? And proving what to who?? Everybody knows Chicago breeds the strongest of the strong but I just feel, me, being ya brother from another state feels your pain as if I grew up with you in ya very own household.
You have the ability and mindpower to change they way we are looked at. Look who's watching us young warriors, look who's throwing us in jail constantly, look at the ignorance in the world. Look at the racist dogs who love to see us down. Loving to bury us in the ground or in jail where we continue this worthless war on one another.
Young warriors.... We are WASTING more and more time. We gotta get on our jobs and take over the world. Cuz this movie left the theaters years ago, Juice, Menace, Boys n the Hood , Blood n Blood Out, Belly!
When we see each other why do we see hatred? Why were we born in a storm, born soldiers, WARRIORS....and instead of building each other up we are at war with each other.. May the soul of this young person find peace with the almighty. I'm with you young warriors. You're me and I'm you. But trust me! you are fighting the wrong war.
This sh*t sucks !!
The mentality that killed Derrion Albert is one I struggle to understand. What parent or family members pollute their children into believing they are nothing and will never be nothing. That is what killed Derrion Albert. A mentality of contemptible hatred for anyone that is doing what you ought to be doing. Instead of Obama visiting for the Olympics his visit should have been precipitated by the continued death toll of teenagers in his beloved Chicago. Derrion Albert was killed by a familiarity that breeds contempt within our black communities. Derrion Albert was killed because we don’t believe that we can be what he was working towards. Rest in Peace Derrion. The world loses too many like you and in turn is left with the reprehensible do nothings that continue the cycle of hatred and low self worth from generation to generation.
Random Rambling Keep up
- Posted by Kristin
- Saturday, September 19, 2009
Woke up Wednesday morning around 3:30 praying God please let it be heart burn. I already knew my body was attacking itself again. I tried to wait it out hoping this would pass quickly but my gall attacks never pass quickly its always at least four days of oscillating discomfort to intense pain. I finally broke Thursday morning and called my doctor he was able to find a hospital that would allow me to come in for an ultrasound quickly. Went on Friday at 11:30 then got a call from the Radiologist and he asked if I could come back in tomorrow (which is today) I told him no he asked when was the last time I ate, he said don’t eat anything else and come back later tonight for a second ultrasound. WTF did you find!
Thank God I work in a hospital I am going to find out myself because there is no way in hell I am waiting until Monday to hear the results of that second ultrasound. When he first told me to come back in I thought it was the spot on my liver which was found over a year ago when I first began having really serious gall attacks. But the spot turned out not to be cancerous because there is insufficient blood flow and I do go ever six months to make sure it’s not getting larger. Back to my current problem damitt I am now hoping my “elective” gall bladder surgery which I have been waiting for months will now turn into a medically necessary surgery. The throbbing not’s so bad it’s when my insides begin to feel as if someone is wringing out a wet towel that I can find no release because no position alleviates the pain, vicodin helps but a morphine drip is much betta. Anyway I’m functioning today I believe I am at the end of this attack I am going to attempt to workout today I have not run since Tuesday and I hate missing days.
I am getting really good at my runs. I am now able to run 5 complete miles in 1:01. I am preparing for the turkey trot this year which is an 8 mile jog on Thanksgiving Day. My husband and youngest brother will be doing the 8 mile along with me my mom is going to walk the 5k. I have gotten so much better than when I first started back in May. I really enjoy running it helps clear my mind.
Lord delivery me from the banality of stupidity that encompasses much of the Republican Party. Really Rush because this was not happening before Obama was elected President. For real you also think the reverse didn’t happen to black kids going to all white schools. For real. Bullies are bullies so you can cut the Obama’s America crap.
"It’s Obama’s America, is it not? Obama’s America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama’s America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, “Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on,” and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he’s white."
Dick. I hope you are the first causality of “THE” race war you are trying desperately to incite, oh, might as well add that douche Hannity and just for grins Cheney.
Whitney, Whitney, Whitney, why lie! Yes I said lie because she did not keep it one hundred. Nothing will irk me more than someone who will not own their mistakes. Did anyone else watch the Oprah interview because she blamed Bobby and the industry for a lot of her unhappiness. I hate when women who are in abusive relationships once unconstrained by that relationship flip it and blame everything on the man. No, NO, NO. Whitney you were apart of this and you did not own that. I also don’t think she owned her drug usage either. Let me get this straight I don’t think Whitney had to talk to anyone about her drug usage but because she did then you should have at least been honest and forthright. I did not see that and I think denial will only cause her to relapse. I am far from wishing that on her but when you can’t admit to the full depth of your problem I only see a repeat of the behavior.
We are, or I should say I am (because my husband has been ready for quite sometime), finally ready to have a baby. I opted to find an OB/GYN that specializes in fertility because for the last year we have used nothing and nada, no baby, not even a grasp I think I could be preggers. Anyway she prescribed some prenatal pills we are not trying in earnest now but if it happens great I think I am really ready to be a mother now. This all came about thanks to Bush and his stupid Iraq war. When I was forced to keep my brothers kids while he and his wife were deployed last year. I was rarely around children until that point and I fell head over hills in love with my niece and nephews. I Love those kids soooooo much. So I guess I should thank Bush, ugh. Anyway we are not going to really try until after May. I turn 30 next may and we will be celebrating that and our 5th wedding anniversary in Europe. I am so excited we have saved for the past two years for this trip and I can’t wait.
Speaking of the trip I will be glad when it gets here my husband has such trip anxiety its ridamdiculous. He worries over the smallest minute details. I think I drive him crazy because whenever we travel I’m like oh if we forgot something we will get it when we get there its only TOOTHPASTE for God’s sake. I have yet to officially decide where we are going I was hoping to do at least four countries but my husband doesn’t really like to travel in the first place (he loves it when he gets there its just the getting him there part that sucks so much energy out of me). For sure we are going to Spain because it’s a direct flight from DFW and France I am really hoping to squeeze in a trip to Portugal as well.
On the corner of Wycliffe and Maple at 6am this morning a cop just ran the light. There was no emergency he did not have his lights on he just flat out ran the light and he made a left turn. Hell I want to run a light too. Asshole, cop.
Back to kids I have already decided on the names for my girls. Yes I think I am going to have girls whenever I have children and I am hoping for twins. My father is a twin, I had a twin, and my husband has six sets of twins on his side of the family. Their names will be Alexandria Cecily (and no that is not pronounced like Celie from the color purple) and Jacqueline Lynn. I know my husband would like a boy what man doesn’t but I also know he would like to make him a Jr. and my husband’s first name is so not cute. It makes him unique and we get plenty of odd looks and he is often asked to repeat his name but, no I don’t think our child should have to carry on THAT name.
And if there is such a thing as reincarnation I want to come back as a Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are the greatest people on earf. I really want to go back there instead of going to Europe, I enjoyed my time there. Beautiful water fun people it was all one love.
AHHHHHH I feel so much better now. I might actually be able to focus enough to produce an actual coherent post this weekend.
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House of Parliament anyone?
- Posted by Kristin
- Thursday, September 10, 2009
House of Parliament and no I am not talking about George Clinton’s P-Funk. An apology is insufficient only punishment will deter another idiot from turning Capital Hill into the raucous parliaments witness across the globe. I know there is a demographic of conservative republicans which are rational yet fiercely dedicated to their cause. However, the people like Wilson and the other’s waving the Republican Bill and carrying signs as if they are at a rally, are the extremist and they are the burgeoning face of conservatism. Liberals and Progressives need only sit and watch the continued implosion created by sensationalist journalism and the inability to create rational arguments.
Wilson you are no better than a toddler who throws a tantrum because he can’t have his way. It is plainly obvious that you not only lack civility but the ability to discern your remarkable display of disrespect continued to perpetuate your party as the party of irrationality.
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Psychological Terrorists
- Posted by Kristin
- Sunday, September 6, 2009
Repost from Jack and Jill Politics
I spent the past several months away from politics. It was an involuntary hiatus made necessary by personal and professional commitments that demanded my utmost attention. When I left, we had a stimulus bill in place, a president with high approval ratings and some remaining afterglow from election night and inauguration day.
When I returned in mid August, it was to a country that had clearly lost its damn mind. I turned on one cable station to hear people demanding President Obama prove he’s an American citizen, an insane movement led by an Israeli citizen. I switched channels to see another group screeching in fear that Obama’s health care proposal would institute death panels to kill grandma. On yet another station, Glenn Beck accuses this president of having a deep-seated hatred for half of himself. Flip again to find parents removing their children from school because they don’t want their kids exposed to Obama’s socialist indoctrination. And yesterday, Green Jobs Czar Van Jones resigned after extreme pressure from right wing groups and extreme tepidness from the White House that hired him to do his very important work.
Great. After a brief respite, the most accessible American political discourse has returned to fearful, hate-filled, ignorant rants of a high-volume, low-intellect minority.
In such an environment, how does one govern? Does one try to “balance” such concepts as contradictory as a “public option” on one hand and “fear of death panels” on the other? Or does one realize that this is a false spectrum and to try to find a center in such a sea is a worthless and foolhardy expedition?
Too often, this White House has sent the signal that it seeks common ground and conciliation with parties interested in its total destruction. From my point of view, negotiating with ignorance, fear, hate and irrationality is insane. For example, when a major Republican figure in the health care negotiations spreads the death panel lie (Grassley), you see him for what he is, realize you’re dealing with a group of psychopaths, and reset the objectives. “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be? Cool. Good to know what we’re dealing with. Thanks for your time. We won’t be needing your services anymore. We’re taking our ball and playing somewhere else.” Negotiations require trust and trust assumes that all parties are not completely batshit crazy.
I realize I’m lumping a variety of “opposition” camps together: birthers, deathers, those who accuse the president of racism and those who accuse him of socialism. I’m grouping them because to me they all come from the same place. They’re engaging in a form of terrorism. They are using psychological violence (and occasionally the threat of real violence) to pursue a political objective, and in so doing, inflicting harm upon non-combatants.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the movies, it’s that “The United States of America does not negotiate with terrorists.” Yet this White House is willing to let these psychological terrorists set the terms of the debate and negotiate from their insane positions. One group of people is trying to talk about co-pays. The other thinks the president is a secret Kenyan. One group of people sees the creation of domestic, sustainable jobs as a cornerstone of the 21st century economy. The other thinks the president is going to murder your grandmother. This is not legitimate political discourse and to make decisions acknowledging terms so far apart in their reality is just plain stupid.
Van Jones was one of the good guys. A really, really good guy. He used his education and his passion to combat police brutality and the massive, wasteful incarceration of so many of this nation’s young, brown people. Having fought in the trenches for so long, he saw an opportunity to build hope and jobs and tangible communities as the world responds to the climate crisis. He connected the dots and inspired action and had a vision. He was the rare outsider who got a chance to move inside, and move he did.
Van was the kind of guy that gave me real confidence in this administration’s seriousness. President Obama meets with generals every day and sees scary reports and wants to get re-elected. I can always make some politics-based allowances for his underwhelming actions. Van, however, was truly one of us. He got it. And to give someone like him power gave me more faith in the president. So when the lynch mob came after Van, it was a test. The same test so many Democratic administrations have failed time and time again. When the going gets tough, do you back your people, or do you fall back on excuses.
This White House, this administration and this president failed Van, failed its supporters and failed to honor the efforts of millions that got them into office in the first place. What’s the point of having power if you don’t use it? When will this White House realize that nothing it does will ever be acceptable to the loud-mouthed, ignorant minority? When will it learn that you cannot negotiate with terrorists??
I’m heartbroken over Van’s departure because it’s these little meaningless concessions that undermine people’s faith in the system. You get folks all riled up about change. You empower a man who embodies that change. And they you let him be run out of office by fucking Glenn Beck? So Glenn Beck is running the White House now? Is that how it’s gonna be? Just tell me that I knocked on all those doors for nothing, and I can start the grieving process, but don’t pretend this will solve anything.
I can’t help but look at this spineless response and see it in contrast to the previous administration. You know how gansta they are? DICK CHENEY IS STILL TALKING SMACK! You don’t see anyone of prominence telling him to shut up. The man who has been wrong about everything gets the full support of his party, yet President Obama can’t find enough audacity to stick up for a true change agent?
How do you expect folks to continue to go to the mat for your agenda, when you so easily sacrifice our best and brightest at the whim of an illegitimate lynch mob? How do you expect the next generation to invest themselves in the political process when they see that despite their good works, they can be taken out over nonsense, especially when the double standard is so abundantly clear? How can you ask from us what you won’t do for us? And when will you realize that you cannot negotiate with terrorists?
- Baratunde Thurston (aka Jack Turner)
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WTF is Wrong with You!
- Posted by Kristin
H/T to Go B. and TaulaZoeApple
Why do you hate yourself so much?
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Van Jones I Miss You Already
- Posted by Kristin
Thank you Rippa: Mental Midgets indeed.
Republicans are running around claiming people are commies and socialists trying their best to undermine progress. I find it alarming that Republicans are resorting to the use of McCarthyism again to spread fear. Republicans have long since used this tactic to discredit progressive and liberals (there’s a difference) and to question their patriotism.
We all know that no one loves their country more than God-fearing, gun-toting, pro-life Republicans. I think it truly boggles the mind of conservatives that God-fearing and pro-choice progressive and liberals love this country as well. We differ in how we believe the country should run and function. To question whether someone loves their country because they don’t agree with your ideologue just makes you seem simple.
Van Jones announced his resignation today because the McCarthyist machine, now known as Fox News, has declared Jones to be a threat to the America Republic. I enjoyed reading Jones’s The Green Collar Economy. I thought he had some terrific ideas in how to move us into an independent nation (because you know we really aren’t if everything says made everywhere but the U.S.A.) however, his section on green jobs translating to relief from poverty in the hood rang a little hollow. I believe he saw his vision coming to fruition but alleviating the problems in inner cities across America will take more than Green production.
Maybe we are on the precipice of civil war again I think that is the direction the right is actively seeking.Well, congratulations Republicans, you are truly God’s chosen people you continue to uphold the principles of the bible such as:
Thy shall not commit murder – War in Afghanistan and Iraq
Thy shall not commit adultery – Too many to list
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
I understand why Jones resigned it’s him or healthcare reform, he understands this. Obama you had better tighten the hell up and go all out for health care because, how many sexy bald headed brothers can we afford to lose in the White House.
To Jones: please leave a sista your forwarding address.
- Posted by Kristin
- Wednesday, September 2, 2009
She’s joking but she’s really in pain. I have been very lucking in my marriage that I get along with most of my in-laws except one. In the beginning my husband’s youngest aunt and I would just do the head nod and keep it moving. One evening I decided to skip dinner because I knew she was going to be there and I didn’t feel like being tied in knots all evening. Well when my husband (fiancĂ©) at the time came home I could tell something was wrong right away. Knowing my husband he needs a day or two to mull over the problem before he confides in me. A few days later he told me he had to have a talk with his aunt at the dinner because he didn’t like some of the things she was saying or how she was treating me. While he is talking I am doing figurative cartwheels in my head and I fell in love with him all over again. My husband is so close with his family that I know it took an incredible amount of nerve for him to possibly even consider severing ties with a member of his family.
A brief aside: Marriage in itself is rough enough without the interference of in-laws. There will be those days you ask why did I get married, better yet why did I marry this person. Perfect example, my husband did something today that he knows will set me off its really very trivial but dammit it irritates me. I get up to fill the dog’s bowl I come back to the kitchen and he is eating my food, BEFORE I get a chance to taste it. I don’t mind sharing but can I please taste it first. Hell he doesn’t know the meaning of bite or sip he consumes. Damn I am getting mad all over again just typing about it.
Anyway, I firmly believe it is your spouse’s duty to confront some out of order family member. My mom had a really hard time excepting my husband because we starting dating my senior year in college and she just knew I was going to give up everything I was working towards “for some man” her words. I actually skipped going home on breaks to keep from having to listen to her harangue him (when she had never met him, we were only dating at the time and only so-so serious). Finally I called in my granny and asked her to get mom to lay off. Now hell, most of the time my family doesn’t care if I come home or not as long as my husband stops in for a visit. Sickening really. I can honestly say that each of our families care and respect us and our spouses and that makes all the difference in the world.
My BFF was married for six months before she filed for divorce. I firmly believe the divorce could have been prevented had each of them placed their families in check from jump. As it is Mr. Man and I are coming up on five years and besides the occasional Gawd you get on my nerves, I guess I really can’t complain too much. Besides it helps living by my mom’s golden rule “never get involved in family squabbles, never.”
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Slightly Disturbing
- Posted by Kristin
I often buy store brand. Usually Target’s Archer Farms is superior to other brand name products. I dipped into Wal-mart earlier this week and I don’t like the new packaging for Great Value. I actually find the packaging disconcerting. Am I the only one that feels this way?
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Loc Envy
- Posted by Kristin
- Sunday, August 30, 2009
Her locs are exactly the size I wanted for mine. Can you say Jealous! Every time I watch her videos I'm green with evny. Why oh why could I not be blessed with really thick hair. My loctician and I are toying with the idea of combining my locs. I hesitate because we combined two in the back now I have a two headed dragon and I am not feeling that at all. I need to ask her how that would work if we did my whole head. Any locstars out there with answers on how to combine an entire head please, pretty please hit me up here, via twitter jazzykh or email.
BTW, I'm real mad she's using blue magic, other than that her hair is the bidness.
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The most embarrassing day of my life.
- Posted by Kristin
This post was inspired by this YouTube video and an email conversion. The person I was conversating (yes I know that is not a real word but it’s funny that’s why I use it) with said the following:
If I were put in a situation where I was going
to come back with either a story of hilarious failure or ultimate win
and my friends didn't encourage me to go for it, I would get new
I on the other hand completely disagreed. You don’t let friends make a complete fool of themselves on purpose, without at least attempting to sway their mind. Said person then went on to say
I am not responsible for your self esteem issues. Really, when you
can laugh at yourself, then you are in a comfortable place
I don’t think this person meant the “responsible for your self esteem issues” to sound as callous as it did, then again maybe so (side eye). To make a long story even longer I have decided to share the most embarrassing moment of my life. Keep in mind nothing could have been more traumatic to a young country girl fresh outta West Texas and nothing has since “the incident”.
Background. During a fire alarm you have to vacate immediately from the dorms regardless of your state of dishabille. Almost everyone is a broke college student therefore, the threat of a 75 dollar fine will surely cause you to go hungry for a month. Just think of all the top ramen and msg packets you can buy with 75 dollars.
It was a beautiful fall day on campus the leaves had completed their magical transformation from green to bright golds and deep reds. The girls and I will be hanging with some of the guys at the Roo pub later that evening so I head to the shower to freshen up. I’m in the shower enjoying the nice hot water and high water pressure (only me and one other chick in the shower, so not competing for water pressure) then BAM!
BOOM BOOM BOOM someone is knocking on the door like they the police (which it was) screaming “out of the shower this is a fire drill”. I’m thinking to myself screw that. He pokes his head in “out of the shower now”. At that point I know he means business I don’t even bother rinsing the rest of the suds off. I grab my huge fluffy hot pink towel wrap up and head out of the shower. My flip flops are soaked and it is hella difficult to walk in wet flip flops.
Of course during a fire drill you can’t take the elevator so I am heading towards the stairs with my friends ass clowning me. When this really nice girl who I had previous beef with dips into her room which is right next to the stair well and tosses me a robe. As I reach to grab the robe, my flip flop snaps I’m falling down the damn stairs and my towel is off. I live in an all girls dorm which means boys are their all the time. Yep that’s right I end up naked and wet with my raw ass resting on concrete steps desperately trying to hold onto a sliver of Martha Stewarts big towel. UGH! Talk about the worst. You all have no idea the amount of snatch jokes I had to endure for a week. And my BFF the heffa that she is could not wait to publish a newsletter with ass as the butt of the joke. I can only thank God
that happened in 99 before YouTube and camera phones.
The point in reliving that horror is because the person I was emailing is under the mistaken impression that laughing at oneself is innate. For the majority of situations I agree you should be able to laugh at yourself. I’m clumsy I fall and trip a lot so I am used to laughing at myself however tripping and ending up buck ass naked is no laughing matter. “The incident” happened ten years ago and only a few years ago was I able to keep from visibly cringing as my BFF would take immense pleasure in relating that story to anyone who would listen. Something’s come with maturity and age and distance from the subject this was one such event.
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Bi-racial ...Not Black Damn It
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Oh damn. I look at my nieces and nephews as black. I have never said that to them but I definitely view them as black kids. I think that is mainly because they spend most of their time with our side of the family. This clip came out of left field for me. My lovely and wonderful niece asked my mom a week ago what color was she. My mom asked her what color would you like for me to be, my niece said blue. My mother's reply was well then I'm blue.
My mom let us find out about race at school she never brought it up until then. I think this is a mistake and obviously someone is speaking to niece about it. We, meaning the adults in our family might need to have a talk about what discussion to have with the kids and when.
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Little Girls Need Their Father’s As Well
- Posted by Kristin
- Thursday, August 20, 2009
You can find this post located at Dallas's first non-profit news site called Dallas South News later today or tomorrow morning.
Much has been said of the need of father or male role model in a young boy’s life. I often feel as if the need of a father is neglected or rarely seen as a significant for little girls. A mom can do many things for young girl. A mother can teach her daughter the proper way to conduct herself as a lady, she can teach her about Femininity, and coach her through the grand discovery of womanhood (i.e. menstruation). Yet, there is something mistakenly pivotal in the relationship between a father and his daughter.
My mother and father divorced while my brothers and I were reaching that critical stage of realization that something or someone was missing. Fortunately, for us our grandparents stepped in and shouldered the burden of a newly single and divorced mother of three. While my mother grappled with beginning to start a new life on her own with minimal skills and rearing the three of us my grandparents were there.
My fondest memory of my grandfather occurred when I was in the eighth grade I was being inducted into the National Honor Society for the first time. My mother had purchased a god-awful black dress with a million and one flowers on it reminiscent of the floral background to one of my granny’s couches. I wore ruffled socks, and black patent leather shoes, while channeling my inner Sally Jesse Raphael (I had red glasses at the time). I burst out crying I thought I looked horrible. I was already much taller than many of the other girls in school so I felt like an oversized walking flower display with buck teeth. I don’t know if my pawpaw heard me crying but when I went to the living room to show off my ugly dress he said “you sure look pretty tonight, I’m proud of you”. I went from instant ugly duckling to believing I was going to be the prettiest girl inducted into the National Honor Society later that evening.
Growing up without a father was extremely painful in particular for my middle brother who I will never forget cried one night to my granny “why doesn’t my dad want me”. Children internalized and present their hurt differently. For me I was able to channel the missing father into a fierce desire to always outperform anyone else for others it manifest itself in the form of acting out, an all to familiar cry for attention.
I am so proud of my brothers; I can only believe that the role our grandfather played in our early lives had a profound affect on their interaction with their children today. My middle brother is so careful with his daughter; I have never seen someone so protective of another tiny being. My baby brother is treated like the greatest man alive by his kids. He was deployed for a year and despite their young age they remembered him running screaming daddy, daddy, daddy throwing themselves at his legs.
I miss my grandfather. He missed some very important events in my later life like, my college graduation and he missed walking me down the aisle at my wedding. As my little brother escorted me down the aisle I began crying, imagining my grandfather placing my hand in my husbands while kissing my cheek and telling me to be happy. His physical presence was missed but I believe his spirit was there that day like so many days before.
Men you were given the role of protector and provider. Remember your role and the importance God has placed on you, your families are in need of you. I have an unwavering belief that the coming generation will see a turn around in the number of active fathers, my brothers, and so many more men give me hope.
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- family
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Vick Should Play & Lurie Can Suck It!
- Posted by Kristin
- Monday, August 17, 2009
Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie said he did serious "soul-searching" regarding Vick. The owner said he met with Vick for hours and is convinced he can become a force in stopping animal cruelty.
"I needed to see a lot of self-hatred in order to approve this," Lurie said.
Self-Hatred, really!? I hope they Eagles loose every game this season and that's not just because I am a Cowboys fan. Do I think Vick is full of penitentiary talk, yep sure do. I think he has learned his lesson in regards to dog-fighting, but when the money starts back rolling in will he remains so humble, I doubt it. He served his time get over it! If Donte Stallworth can commit manslaughter and receive less of a public crucifiction, Vick deserves no less.
- Labels:
- foolishness
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Socialism vs. Free enterprise: The health debate
- Posted by Kristin
- Sunday, August 16, 2009
The health care debate has sparked more than discussion it has devolved into a full fledge battle between what is seen as a stepping stone toward socialism and a step away from free enterprise.
Research confirms children with full insurance coverage whether private or public have lower rates of unmet healthcare needs than children with no insurance or intermitted insurance coverage (Olson, Tang, & Newacheck, 2005). Most often the health care debate centers around the 40 million people who are counted as uninsured. However, there are possibly millions more that are just as stringently affected by a lack of healthcare characterized as underinsured and intermittently insured individuals.
I am not sure where the visceral reaction emanates. People seem unaware that they pay for a government run option already, County hospitals are supported by taxpayers as well as Medicaid and Medicare. The current public option is crippling healthcare systems across the nation and reform is needed. Emergency rooms are used as primary health care facilities. People flood the ER with non-emergent care issues causing tremendous wait times leading to deaths in some cases. It appears that with the growing concern of a government run public option the White House seems to back peddling on its drive to push a public option.
The public option originally proposed by the White House appears to be undergoing a compromise in which the public option will become a consumer-owned nonprofit coop, in keeping with free enterprise. The government funded option has been touted as a step towards socialism however, providing an option to the current monopoly private insurances hold on health care is the essence of free enterprise. If companies choose to embrace a public option it makes the market more competitive. I don’t believe it will cheapen health care or inhibit technological progress.
The progressively worsening health of Americans can be directly attributed to a lack of preventative care associated with preventable deaths (McGlynn et al., 2003). The loudest protestation for the public option is the quality of health care would suffer. According to a study conducted by McGlynn et al. between 1998 and 2000 on average Americans receive only half of the recommended medical processes they are in need of currently. What many people do not dispute in health care administration is the need for an overhaul in establishing a national baseline for performance making it possible to assess policy changes and evaluate efforts to improve the quality of care (McGlynn et al., 2003).
Our current state of health care is unconscionable and is far from representative of an international power in my opinion. if we are the best we should be able to provide the best to all of Americans and develop a health care system that is enviable to other nations. As a nation we provide some of the best quality once provided it is however, the obtainment of said care that needs addressing and the delivery of payment for the procurement of services.
McGlynn, E. A., Asch, S.M., Steven, M., Adams, J., Kessey, J., Hicks, J., et al. (2003). The quality of health care delivered to adults in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine, 348(26), 2635-2645.
Olson, L.M., Tang, S.S.,& Newacheck, P. W. (2005). Children in the United States with discontinuous health insurance coverage. New England Journal of Medicine 00284793, 353(4).
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- government
- health
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- Posted by Kristin
- Monday, August 10, 2009
H/T to my girl Siditty.
Disgusting! I want to very badly beat the living shit out of this mother. If anyone should understand or even come close to understanding rape it should be a woman. This mother has decided to ignore the fact that her 8 year old child was gang raped by four boys ages 9-14. Not only has she denied the child was raped she goes on to say she deserved what happened to her. Needless to say the child has been ostracized and is currently in the care of child protective services. The family is Liberian and in some African countries women are often blamed or said to have brought the unwanted attention on. Well this is America take your bitch ass back to Africa if you want to pull that shit. I hope they lock the mother and father up as well.
Good Hair
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I am really looking forward to Chris Rock’s movie Good Hair. The clips are showing lots of good material about weaves and perms. I hope he does an in depth segment on natural hair or unprocessed hair. There is one particular clip I laughed at every time and that is does your wife let you touch her hair? The answer HELL NAW! Whew I swear to Gawd my husband, when I was permed, never touched my hair unless it was the night before I went to the salon.
To this very day my husband is so trained he still won’t touch my hair unless I physically place his hand on my head. I still remember those wasted Saturday’s at the salon; I would get there at 6 or 7 in the morning and leave at 4 in the afternoon. I was an every week person at 40 dollars a week and 120 for perm and dye job every 5th week. When I did wear a weave it would cost anywhere from 300 to 450 depending on the hair. I was breaking bread at the salon.
I won’t say I became enlightened, but something just happened one Saturday morning and I decided I didn’t want to waste my time anymore. I asked Angie (the bomb stylist if you are in Dallas) to cut it off. She asked one time if I was sure I said yes and she went to work. I started at the same stage Solange is now and kept loose naps about two years.
Starting into my third year I decided to loc it up. I have been locked for 8 months and no complaints. I am about 80% locked I still have a ways to go before I hit the mature stage, but by my lociversary I should be completely locked. My family was extremely supportive of my decision to go natural most of them are technical naturals they just do the press n’ curl. Whereas, my husband and his family it took them a minute to come around or rather until I actually had enough hair on my head that I looked like a woman again. Now my husband loves my locks.
The only regret I have is that I did not do this sooner. If I run from rain now it’s not because I think my hair will mess up it’s because I don’t want to get wet. I no longer worry about humid days, matter of fact my hair loves humidity now. I just don’t worry about my hair anymore. I let my loctitican tighten me up every month or two in between I wash and go, easy.
- Labels:
- locs
- Mr. Man
- natural hair
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What gives?
- Posted by Kristin
Why is the former 1st Black President in North Korea? I can think of a more important place that he could be negotiating the release of a captive What about Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl? I have heard that soldiers are only captured if they are doing something wrong. Bergdahl was reportedly drunk or lagging behind on patrol whatever the case, I think he deserves our attention more than two glory seeking journalist.
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- Mr. President
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Tell the Truth People!
- Posted by Kristin
- Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A couple of times a year I partake in self-torture a few months back I decided to step it up to full scale self-mutilation. When I went to the initial consultation I was told that the pain level would be similar to having a tattoo. My tattoo experiences have all been pleasant no complaints and in some pain there can be pleasure (I’m just sayin). Anywho, I went today for my test “patch” in electrolysis hair removal and I was lied to. Them bitches lied. Lied, I say, I have never had a tattoo that could even rival the amount of pain I have suffered. I have an ice pouch resting on my good good. I have no idea how I will make it through a full treatment let alone the complete course. I keep telling myself relax relate release that it’s not that bad. Hell, I need to replace my ice pack.
- Labels:
- Damn
- fool
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Blacksummer's night
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I just finished listening to Maxwell’s BLACKsummer’s night… I think I’m pregnant. Oh Lawd! Yes, he is back. I think a very high percentage of black women in America are half in love and in full lust for Maxwell. The first joint Bad Habits is classic vintage Maxwell a great way to open the CD. Of course Pretty Wings was a great way to whet the appetite for months as we eagerly awaited the release of Maxwell after an 8 year hiatus. The track Help Somebody had a smooth blues feel. Love You: I was not expecting the quick tempo with a song title as Love You but the lyrics worked helped along with Maxwell’s sensual sound. Not a single song needs to be skipped in fact the CD ended much too soon. I am anxiously awaiting part II of the forth coming trilogy. Welcome back Maxwell.
BTW, afro or no Maxwell can “GET IT”, whenever, wherever, whatever (for the Maxwell STANS).
Supreme Court agrees with the New Haven 20
- Posted by Kristin
- Monday, June 29, 2009
The Supreme Court has decided to reverse the decision made by the appeals court of whichSotomayor was apart. I have yet to read the entire ruling but I find myself wondering the ramifications the ruling will have on the New Haven community. It is to my understanding that New Haven is predominately a minority community and will now be served by few minorities in positions of authority. I know of many people who came from areas where authority figures did not look like them. I know first hand how feelings of mistrust will pervade the neighborhood and do very little to bridging a widening gulf.
After reading the original ruling I agreed with the ruling in which Judge Areterton arrived. I can say with all honesty I am happy the New Haven 20 will receive the promotions they deserve. I will also say I am very apprehensive about the future of affirmative action. It is my personal belief that though we have come along way affirmative action is very much needed to ensure a diverse environment,especially on college campuses. For many minorities affirmative action is our Legacy admission. It will be interseting to see how this affects Sotomayor's confirmation I am of the opinion that it will matter little. Judge Souter whom she would replace agreed with her ruling.
It is undeniable to me that Sotomayor is right in respects that the bench is were policy is made. The supreme court just elected a new policy that will have far reaching outcomes for the future. What those outcomes are remains to be seen.
I Get IT, Why don't you?
- Posted by Kristin
- Monday, June 1, 2009
We all remember our first, probably most memorable first is our…well this is a family blog so you get the point.
Some important first that I remember are:
Shirley Chisholm the first black female U.S. representative congresswoman.
Thurgood Marshall first black male U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Dr. Charles Drew the inventor of the blood bank (and a huge part of my chosen profession)
Mae Jemison the first black female astronaut.
Madame C.J. Walker first black female millionaire
Ursula Burns first black woman to become chief executive of Fortune 500 company.
Barack H. Obama first black president.
There are more notable firsts that I can recall but for me these are a few in which I feel tremendous pride. What many people fail to realize with Ms. Sotomayor’s nomination is the exact same thing they failed to realize during Obama’s nomination for the Presidency of the United States, Pride. Sure we all have pride in accomplishments from our fellow man but there is something undeniably special when it is someone who either looks like you or comes from a similar background. For those that believe minorities are indifferent to issues or a person’s record and that only their ethnicity or race matters I laugh at you and I reject your bigoted views. Nominations like Sotomayor’s and Obama’s will cease to be racially significant when they are no longer the first of their kind. However, for now Sotomayor’s nomination is another proud moment for me as a woman of color.
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- Obama
- race relations
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Is it time for the Catholic Church to Change?
- Posted by Kristin
- Thursday, May 28, 2009
Alberto Cutie is a cutie (couldn't help myself)and it is a shame that he can no longer practice the faith that he believes because of his vow of celibacy to the Catholic Church. He will now "pursue the priesthood in theEpiscopalian faith".
Stepping Out the Box
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, May 26, 2009
My husband usually likes to spend vacation on a beach somewhere relaxing to the sound of the waves. For my birthday he decided to accompany me on my yearly trip to Colorado for some light hiking and for the annual Bolder Boulder 10k. While the beach offers softly crashing waves it doesn’t compare to the majestic beauty of the Rocky Mountain range in Colorado. For my husband’s first visit the weather could not have been worse. It rained at some point every day and was cloudy the entire time. We did not bother going to Pike’s Peak because it would have been pointless, all that would have been visible would have been clouds. However, the beauty in the gently rolling hillside the quaint housing and the occasional glimpse of snow capped covered mountains has my husband eager for next year’s trip.
We traveled to Bear Lake (9475 elevation) in hopes of completing a four mile hike. Instead we were met with at least five inches of snow which impeded our trek because we did not have snow shoes. At one point we were actually walking in the lake without realizing we had ventured off the trail.
We got up close and personal with some Elk and later enjoyed Elk and Buffalo burgers in the town of Estes. Some other sights included a visit to red top hotel which, is where Stephen King’s Shining was filmed. Later we headed to Denver for a vendor festival they were having before a torrential downpour forced everyone inside for cover.
I participated in the Bolder Boulder 10k race this year and had set a goal for myself of 1:25 (to see if I met this goal stay tuned for Jason Johnson’s post to learn my results). The race was incredible 50,000 people show up each year for the race and for the culmination in the elite runner’s race at the end of the day. The men’s elite runner finished in a mere 27 minutes! The Memorial Day celebration at CU was great 6 parachuteers floated in and at the very end of the national anthem three fighter jets flew over just in time to beat the storms.
Our trip was great. I had a secret agenda in this year’s trip I wanted to introduce my husband to a different way of living in hopes that he will want to start a new life in Colorado. He enjoyed himself immensely but I don’t think it was enough to sway him, YET.
Is It Just Me?
- Posted by Kristin
- Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Is it just me or does the fact that Rashida Jones only takes roles in which you find yourself questioning is she supposed to be white, slightly bothersome. I liked "I Love You Man" it was a good laugh. What I found odd was the complete absence of anything remotely ethnic when Rashida was on screen. I find myself wondering if this is a real life remake of Imitation of Life. Does anyone else feel this way or am I reaching?
Over or Under? UPDATE
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I debated sharing this information but then I thought what the hell. I will be running in a 10k on Memorial Day I am aiming to complete the race in an 1h25. Before I ask the over or under bet I feel I must disclose some information.
1. Until three weeks ago I thought this was a 5K
2. The race will be in Boulder, Co, which means I will be running at 5430feet.
3. My husband is taking over on this one (the scoundrel)
On the plus side I have never suffered from altitude sickness any of the times I have visited. I have camped and hiked with no problem or ill after affects. My friends are always surprised that I don't need an adjust period that we are able to hit the mountians the minute I land. However, I have yet to run there, so late Friday when we make it in my friend and I are going on a quick mile run to see how my lungs hold up. I will post an update on how I feel and the mile time late Friday or early Saturday.
My husband is actually going with me this year which, has its perks I have asked him to be at the finish line with bags of ice and glad cling wrap.
Update Finished a mile in 11:40 which is an 1:20 seconds longer than it usually takes for me to finish. Looks like I might make the goal I set for myself.
Damn Obama, you got this one wrong from jump.
- Posted by Kristin
- Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I love me some Obama and I want to him to succeed with all my heart. However, his stance on torture and the release of the Bush administrations memos on waterboarding is wrong. There will come a time in Obama's administration when tactics that require harsh interrogation will be needed and he will use them. What I don't like is Obama's no tolerance stance on torture. I think it only sets his administration up for a horrible black eye when they have to take advantage of harsh interrogation practices.
Currently, Obama is trying to block the release of detainee photos because of safety concerns for military personnel. I don't think the same consideration was given to the image and safety of all Americans with the release of the Bush adminstration use of waterboarding.
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- foolishness
- Obama
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Change You Can Believe In
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The President's 2010 budget eliminated $110 million per year in what is called “discretionary spending” and $50 million per year in mandatory spending otherwise known as Title V funding. There were vigorous arguments on both sides each equally passionate in their beliefs in what will protect America’s youth.
The National Abstinence Education Association had this to say regarding the abstinence only funding cut.
Obama's anti-abstinence budget “disregards the growing body of evidence supporting the effectiveness of abstinence education,” including research showing “a 50% decrease in sexual onset among teens that are enrolled in abstinence programs.”
“At a time when teens are subjected to an increasingly sexualized culture, it is essential that common-sense legislators from both sides of the aisle reject this extreme attempt to de-fund the only approach that removes all risk,” said NAEA Executive Director Valerie Huber.
I agree with the NAEA that there needs to be a counter balance for the increased sexualized content seen on television and print ads. I just happen to believe providing age appropriate content that covers abstinence and safe sex practices provides adolescent who are “curious” with knowledge and information about the possible consequences of engaging to soon in sexual activity.
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- Obama
- politics
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Who's got Next?
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Leah Ward Sears
Sonia Sotomayor
Kathleen Sullivan
Make no mistake I think Barack has to appoint a woman for political reasons just which woman is the question.
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- Obama
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- Posted by Kristin
- Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dear Texas: F*ck Off
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The great state of Texas is periously close to passing the "Heartbeat"Bill. Which is:
An anti-abortion bill (House Bill 36/Senate Bill 182) in Austin [which] lawmakers debate whether a woman should be legally bound to have an ultrasound and listen to her baby's heartbeat before having an abortion..
If any woman decides to have an abortion regardless if you believe life starts the moment of conception or later it is still her right to terminate her pregnancy. I am so furious that anyone would dare to tell me if I ever decide that abortion is an option for me that I have to have an ultra sound and listen to a hearbeat in some attempt to shame me. F*ck You!
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- F*ck You
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Blackface, Really!
- Posted by Kristin
- Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I have no idea what he is saying and it really does not matter, Black face was not necessary. This is something that often strikes me as funny and perplexing when it comes to other races and ethnicities and their mocking of black skin. Obama's complexion is probably very similar to the news anchors natural complexion yet he felt the need to dramatically darken his skin to represent Blackness. In the case ofSparkle Rai a few years ago an Indian man hired a man to kill his black daughter in law. The father in law and son were multiple shades darker than Sparkle. The fact that Sparkle was black any shade of black was enough to result in a contract for her murder. That is why I think colorism is so completely useless and divisive in ethnic communities because even if you are light bright next to white you are still black as a spade to some. Simply because we carry the label of black that automactically encites fear, loathing, and caution in some. .Why? And for those with the school of thought that racism is all but dead, don't believe the hype
Taliah Waajid Product Review and Loc Update
- Posted by Kristin
- Friday, April 3, 2009
I purchased the $35 gift package from Taliah Waajid
and it should have come with a shampoo, conditioner, locking gel, protective body mist, herbal hair cleanser, and herbal hair strengthener (aka grease). First red flag it took almost two weeks for the products to ship when there is a 3 to 5 business day shipping clause on the website. Second flag I was sent two shampoos (see picture) in place of the Protective Mist Bodifier. Third red flag I repeatedly had to email the office of Taliah Waajid as well as call to talk about my missing product. Final straw when I finally spoke to the office manager I was told to send the other shampoo back and they would send out my Protective mist (which keep in mind I had already paid for). WTH you are holding my product hostage until I return a product that you mistakenly shipped to me. Black Folks customer service is 75 percent of the business and Taliah Waajid did not pass that part of the test.
I was more than satisfied with the products. All of her products have a very earthy smell which I like. The herbal shampoo is excellent as a clarifier, the conditioner is the bomb and the Protective Mist is the truth. In all honesty I will continue to use the Protective Mist until I find a product to replace it everything else I have already found substitutes for when I run out of her products. I actually found another person making their way through the journey of lockdom who shared her recent experience at the Taliah Waajid hair care center in Atlanta. She was not pleased, peep the video for her customer review.
The bottom pics are some of my latest progress. The massive amount of shrinkage I was experiencing in February is now over my hair is no longer just sticking up I am actually getting some hang time and movement. I am still in the adolescent stage lots of budding and fuzziness. In the beginning I was worried about my locs forming on the smaller side now that they have plumped up I love the size in this stage. I often wonder to myself every morning why did I take so long to make the decision to start locs. The desision to start locs has been great for me. I have not had one moment of doubt about committing to locs. Weekend wear throw on some oversized earrings and mist the hair and go, I LOVE IT.
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- locs
- Taliah Waajid
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For Those Still Checking for this Blog
- Posted by Kristin
- Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Warning this post is going to be disjointed a lot like my life this month, so consider yourself warned.
The social problems and solutions theme out until I can have the time to pull the stats to go along with the posts; so consider the remainder of this month and next month until April 25TH as “Get it How You Live”.
First up I have a certification exam on the 25th of April which is taking up a bunch of my time studying for the exam. I have taken a leave of absence from my side hustle because I can’t find the extra time I need to devout to studying if I am working there 2 to 3 times a week.
I have been under so much friggin stress it is unbelievable I have a mouth night guard (totally sexy, totally) that is state of the art. You heat this sucker up and quick cool it and it molds to your grill. I have worn that bad boy down! Five hundred dollars gone I am going to need a new one and I have not even had it a year and insurance doesn’t cover it. I don’t consider myself a vain person EXCEPT when it comes to my teeth. I don’t drink coffee and red wine and tea I to kept to a minimum because I seriously have some kind of phobia about stained yellowing teeth.
I have a wedding this weekend in H-town. It is a very formal wedding she required us to wear an evening gown or cocktail dress. So I am opting for the cocktail dress only problem my dress is all black my shoes are pewter (killa, btw). I thought it was kinda to dark for a wedding so I wanted to jazz it up with some makeup so I headed to the mall today for a eye shadow tutorial ( I rarely wear eye shadow). Why why why, did the lady make me look like some kind of transvestite. Seriously, my make up looked like New Yorks from Flava of Love. So looks like I will be sticking with the eyeliner and mascara.
Obama I love you! I kept telling folks don’t get him riled or he WILL lay his goon hand down. Everyone saw the set down he gave Ed Henry, but by far the most interesting comment came from a commenter over at Jack & Jill Politics the classic line form New Jack City “ Sit yo five dollar ass down before I make Change” OWNED sucka.
Whew! I told you this post was going to be all over the place.
I will get back to once a week posts at least.
- Labels:
- Lawd have mercy
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It’s Still Trickin if You Got It.
- Posted by Kristin
- Saturday, February 28, 2009
If you begin a relationship popping bottles and trickin off gifts what women are you exactly expecting to attract. Is it then the gold diggers fault for being attracted to the colorfool (spelling intentional) peacock or the peacock’s fault for flashing his tail feather. I never understood the let me buy you a drink at a bar and I just met you 2 seconds ago, then getting a ‘tude when the chick walks off. I am a firm believer in you get back what you put out. So men that are tired of gold diggers stop flashing your wallet trying to shore up play. I was watching some nonsense on television about gold diggers and hip- hop and as usual the gold diggers were portrayed as carrion ready to swoop down and consume on a dead carcass. Do men really have the right to feel used when they get juiced especially when some of them are in an “it ani’t trickin if you got it” mentality?
That Thing
- Posted by Kristin
- Tuesday, February 24, 2009
If people would just listen to the message in this song so many would save themselves a lot of heartache.
- Labels:
- Lauryn Hill
- love
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- Posted by Kristin
- Sunday, February 22, 2009
Expectations, expectations, expectations. I cannot stress this word enough. During our pre-marital counseling sessions our counselors said we should each write down our expectations for each other. The next week when we came back and exchanged books I looked at my then fiancĂ© and said to myself who does he think he’s marrying. The reverse was true for me when he read my expectations of him. Our counselors had us discuss our results then come to shared and agreed expectations for each other. Knowing what you expect from each other prior to marrying or committing will help you through some rough times. Are your expectations reasonable or even feasible?
- Labels:
- love
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Shacking, why do we do it?
- Posted by Kristin
- Sunday, February 15, 2009
Why do we Shack? I lived with my now husband for almost a year before we made our trip down the aisle. One of the main reason we moved in together were financial. We paid cash for our wedding and living in separate apartments, plus bills at two separate places was not going to help pay for our wedding, so we moved in together. A decision that neither of us would be willing to repeat. That time of living together was one of the most trying times in our relationship. We were engaged at the time but we were still two very separate individuals playing married without the spiritual commitment.
USA Today reports that according to the U.S. Census Bureau 6.4 million in 2007, now make up almost 10% of all opposite-sex U.S. unmarried couples. 8.6% of cohabiting couples were both black. The increase in numbers of people living together has not neccessarily correlated to an increased marriages. Why are couples living together for years yet refused to take the final step to marriage.
It would appear that if the 8.6 % of Black couples living together were to commit to marriage then it would significantly decrease the number of unmarried Black women. Women who truly want more from the person they are living with in the form of marriage and all the legal benefits should demand nothing less than marriage. (This does not count the women that prefer living together to marriage).
Another favorite saying of my husband's "A man is only going to do what you allow them to do." If marriage is what you desire demand it if the guy leaves then you dodge a bullet be thankful.
So what keeps shacking couples from marrying?
- Labels:
- Black love
- marriage
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Fly Girl: Thread Earrings
- Posted by Kristin
Siditty, always writes provoking posts, this is one that concerns Black People's partonage or the lack of Black Businesses. I had already decided to start a new series titled Fly Girl were I post my reviews about black owned products, goods and services, Siditty's post ties in well with my desire to promote Black businesses. I previously wrote about a company called Toombas, an excellent product, check out the post if you need a reminder.
I am an earring FANATIC, I Love earrings. I purchased three sets of thread earrings at Aziza Beauty Supply
I ordered my earrings on Sunday received them thru USPS standard shipping on Wednesday. I received update emails from the time I ordered my product until the moment they shipped. I also received a thank you note for my business. If you would like to purchase your own thread earrings check the link above, or you can find Aziza Beauty Supply on facebook, or by phone: 1-866-648-7577. Aziza Beauty Supply also offers more than accessories, they also have hair products. So if you are in need of some products please give this lady a try and let me know about your experience with Aziza Beauty Supply.
Off Topic: After the Show its the After Party- Get back in Shape.
- Posted by Kristin
I was a size 6 forever until I got married (almost 4 years ago). Over a four year period I have packed on twenty pounds. For the first two years of marriage I increased to a size 8. Size 8 lasted for two years and for the last year and a half I have ballooned to a size TEN. Not the business, AT ALL!
How did I go from the above to the below simple:
I started letting everything else take greater precedence in my life instead of me. I work full time and I have a part time hustle twice a week, and I am a part time grad student with class twice a week. So one day out of the week I can come straight home and chill. So sometimes I can workout three times a week but most times I only get in one day a week of running. I HAVE to make time, stress levels at work have skyrocketed within the last weeks and something has got to give. So instead of coming home and relaxing and just getting off my feet I am going to dedicate that hour to working out 4 times a week.
You can watch my weight loss progress at Dallas South which begins this week so check Dallas South often for updates. Jason Johnson of jmjfitness has agreed to help me with my goal of reaching 145-148lbs and getting well on my way to running the White Rock Lake half-Marathon at the end of the year. Jason has an online weight loss program as well so for anyone that does not live in the DFW area you can still benefit from his expertise.
Wish me LUCK!
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- Socialism vs. Free enterprise: The health debate
- H/T to my girl Siditty. Disgusting! I want to ver...
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